Yesterday afternoon Sheridan Kelly, the U.S. President, signed an executive order for further reductions in the cost of long-term care for Coma Imprisonment patients. The executive order is effective as of today.
“The long-term care of those afflicted by the Coma Imprisonment must be a priority for the American people,” President Kelly said yesterday after signing the order.
“It is the right thing to do in these confusing times.”
One month after August 8th, 2026 (commonly referred to as ‘8/8’), President Kelly had signed an emergency executive order to ensure that the nation’s 766,000 Coma patients would have their medical needs taken care of indefinitely. The order had also forced the costs of a Coma patient down from a nation-wide average of $3,500 per day to $2,000 per day.
The new executive order that she signed yesterday further cuts the costs of “Coma Care” to $1,700 per patient per day.
Escalating Costs Straining Government Coffers
Even so, the costs of Coma Care are spiraling out of control.
The majority of the 766,000 Coma patients in the U.S. do not have health insurance. Prior to 8/8, most Coma patients were either incarcerated for murder or were low-income earners without a health care plan.
President Kelly had previously pushed for Coma Care reform at Capitol Hill in an effort to bring bi-partisan support to bear to fix this urgent problem. It is estimated that Coma Care is costing the U.S. government $1.7 billion per year, on par with the nation’s military budget.
Many conservative legislators were extremely reluctant to increase tax-payer support to keep Comatose murderers alive. This populous viewpoint is shared among legislators on both sides of the political spectrum. However, there is a general consensus that the nation should do everything in its power to aid the law enforcement officers, military servicemen, and even execution staff that had killed in the line of duty and had also fallen into the Coma on and after 8/8.
A Kobe-Stalk poll published last week showed that public support for President Kelly’s Coma Care initiatives stands at 55%, a slim majority.
Military Spending Has Plummeted
A welcome fiscal side effect of the Coma Imprisonment is that the U.S. military budget has been cut almost in half since 8/8. The military spending on lethal weaponry has abruptly halted as no one can actually kill on a battlefield without succumbing to the Coma. Shares in the top two defence contractors in the U.S., NorthWestern Armaments and Stanton-Brockhead, are down 55.2% and 67.7% for the year. All military contractors are now spending billions to develop non-lethal weaponry.
The U.S. government diverted the cost savings in military spending to provide long-term care for Coma patients to keep them alive.
Also yesterday, President Kelly increased funding support to the International Coma Imprisonment Consortium (ICIC). The ICIC is the global body of scientists and civil leaders formed to try and unravel the mystery of the Coma.
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